Graham Feeny (USA)

residenza dal dal 26 al 30 Giugno
July 2 | 7.45 p.m.
Arena Teatro India

Italian premiere

Home is a reflection on endurance. It’s an emotional journey in which physicality intensifies over time, making the endurance of the two performers more and more tiring. Their bond inspires them to go on, leaning on each other in mutual support.


Choreographer | Graham Feeny
With | Amari Frazier, Lounes Landri

Graham Feeny

started dancing at Company C Dance Club. In 2022 he graduated at The Juilliard School, studying with Bobbi Jene Smith, Marco Goecke, Justin Peck, Ohad Naharin and others. He participated in the training programs of NDT, Arts Umbrella and Springboard Dans Montreal. Recently he has danced with Chamber Dance Project and with BalletCollective. In 2022 Feeny joined Gibney Company as an associate artist.