June 28 | 7.30 p.m.
Parco Tor Tre Teste Alessandrino

You have the clock, we have the time

In Western culture, there’s the feeling that time is counted, measured, bought and sold, planned and organized. In Africa, the notion of time is that of an experience that people live and create, something subjective. Our birthplace inevitably defines our idea of time, and even if nothing is set, we struggle to overcome our first notion about it. It’s an idea that can be experienced in many ways, one can even be enslaved by it, but denying its existence is impossible. This is true for any land of the world. Time is the power that allow a body to dance, aside from the origin, the gender, or the condition. "OTEMPODIZ" (ELTIEMPODICE) [Time says] is the outcome of an exchange project and of a two-way artistic creation, spanning Mozambique and Spain. It’s been made possible thanks to the support of: AECID, the artistic residence of SORTUTAKOAK (Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea), the festival ATLANTIKALDIA in Errenteria.


By: Asier Zabaleta.

With: Fenias Nhumaio Y Deissane Machava

Music: Various Authors

With the support of Aecid, Sortutakoak (gipuzkoako Dantzagunea), Atlantikaldia. Production: Ertza Sorkuntza Artistikoa S.L.

Asier Zabaleta

founded ERTZA company in 2004, with the aim of finding a new space in which different artistic disciplines such as dance, theatre, plastic arts, audiovisuals, could work together. ERTZA works pose questions about human and social contradictions. In a playful, aesthetic way they invite to take an active stand on what one sees on a daily basis and to reflect on topics of daily current affairs. Since the foundation of ERTZA, Asier has presented performances in country such as China, The Philippines, Brasil, Perù, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Mexico, Israel, Russia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal.


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