24th June at 16.00

Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo

Produced by the Regional Circuit Arteven 

Promoted by the Municipality of Padova, Section of Culture, Tourism Museums and Librarires with the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Padova and Rovigo

artistic direction by Laura Pulin

The Prospettiva Danza Teatro Award was born within the homonymous festival of Padua. It is promoted and strongly supported every year by the City of Padua and the Cariparo Foundation and is aimed at young choreographers living in Italy and around the world. The aim of the Award is to promote the young Italian and world contemporary choreography. It is aimed at those aged between 18 and 40, willing to create a contemporary dance project that brings on stage a group of dancers from 2 to 5 elements.

The selected projects will have support through artistic residency - which will allow them to develop the winning choreography and present it during the next edition Festival Prospettiva Danza Teatro with   production awards in cash.


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