
Silvia Gribaudi / ZEBRA (IT)

6th-7th July 19.00

Parco Tor Tre Teste
Appuntamento: Largo Serafino Cevasco ore 18.30 

Site-specific project for Fuori Programma Festival

Silvia Gribaudi will be guest for 10 days in residence with the idea of creating a site specific project for the Fuori Programma Festival which involves citizens and nature in the theme of unison. The park Tor Tre Teste will be the background for the artist’s research and she will meet the community of residents so as to produce a performance that values each individual. L’appuntamento per partecipare alla performance è a Largo Serafino Cevasco ore 18.30.

Unison develops by way of an itinerary in the Tor Tre Teste Park and involves professional performers and the local community. Unison is a performance device where a choral action is generated giving voice and space to the identity of the person in relation to the collective self. The project draws inspiration from the performance ZTL by Andrea Rampazzo and participating projects on human rights by the visual artist Anna Piratti. The performative action is created and developed beginning by meetings with local communities. The questions the performance is inspired by are:
How do we create a unison?
How do we give voice to the freedom of the body?
How do we create a collective movement without imposing hierachical structures but choreographic actions in which the person feels free? 


by Silvia Gribaudi/ZEBRA
in collaboration with Andrea Rampazzo
and the performance of Martina La Ragione

Silvia Gribaudi, is an Italian choreographer active in the performing arts. Since 2004 she has been focusing her artistic research on the social impact of the body, placing humour and the relationship between the spectator and the performer at the center of her choreographic language. She was awarded the Prize for young author’s dance with her work A CORPO LIBERO (2009), a finalist in the Premio UBU as best dance opera and finalist in Premio Rete Critica with R:OSA (2017) Premio CollaborAction#4 2018-2019, finalist of the Premio Rete Critica 2019, Premio DANZA&DANZA 2019 as the best Italian production with GRACES And Premio Hystrio Corpo a Corpo 2021. In 2021 she was guest choreographer for “Danser Encore, 30 solos pour 30 danseurs” a project for the Opera of Lyon and in June 2023 she will premier her new production GRAND JETÉ, coproduced by MM Contemporary Dance Company (IT),La Biennale de Lyon (FR), Théâtre de la Ville (FR), Rum för Dans (SE), Torinodanza Festival (IT), International Dance Festival TANEC PRAHA (CZ), Zodiak – Side Step Festival (FIN) and by the international network Big Pulse Dance Alliance. Her shows have been present in numerous National and International Festivals and participate in creative processes which are centred on dialogue and the poetic meeting with other artists, companies and communities


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